4 Types of Stress

4 Types of Stress

Stress comes in many different forms and affects people differently. Even the same person can experience stress differently at different times. The most effective way to manage stress is to understand what type of stress you’re dealing with in the moment so you can take action to decompress it quickly. Once you understand…

Are You Starting in The Right Place?

Are You Starting in The Right Place?

How exciting! The beginning of a brand new year! If you’re like most people you have a lot of expectation for this year. You just know that this is going to be the year things turn around in a good way for you. So, do you have a plan? Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions? Great! No, wait! Maybe that’s not so great…

Stress Less Without Guilt

Stress Less Without Guilt

While there are many aspects of life that cause you to experience stress, not all of them have to stay in your life. And those that do, may not need to take top billing. And you know that, but does the thought of letting go cause you to feel guilt? Anxiety? Feelings of failure? Fear? I’ve got news for you…

The Power of Responsibility

The Power of Responsibility

Often we take on responsibilities that oppress us. We feel weighed down and stifled. We give away our power because we misjudge our duty. Then one day, we wake up and realize our life isn’t turning out the way we planned, but we don’t know how to fix it…