If you feel stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed

And you feel like your stress is affecting your health

Then this course is for you!

Is Stress Making You Sick?

Discover Your Health Risk Related to Stress So You Can Conquer Stress, Reclaim Your Power and Embrace Radiant Health, Starting Today!

Get Your Free Course

Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And find out what your score is with the Stress Risk Assessment

Stress affects your brain, your body and your behavior. And the higher your stress load, the greater the risk to your health.

It's never too late to take control of your stress and your health so you can begin to heal today as you move Beyond Burnout and Emerge Empowered!

 The Emerge Empowered Blueprint


The Emerge Empowered Blueprint is exactly that, a blueprint.

A blueprint is a guide. It’s a design or pattern that can be followed.

And this blueprint works for ANY stress experience as long as you follow the 5-Step Process that will help you recognize your body’s S.O.S. signals (Signs of Stress), halt the stress response quickly then help you figure out what’s causing the stress so you can decide what you can do about it and what you will do about it.

Then you will evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen treatment plan, celebrate wins and achievements, course correct when needed and commit to future growth.

This allows you to take control of your stress, your health and your life quickly and effectively. And that puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life!


The Emerge Empowered Blueprint’s 5-Step Process includes:






 Identify your unique S.O.S symptoms (your body’s signs of stress) so you can begin to unwrap the gift that stress can be.

Quickly halt or reverse your stress response so you can foucs on and uncover what’s causing your stress response to kick in.


Uncover what is truly causing your stress so you can decrease the frequency and intensity of your stress triggers.

Design your lifestyle and reframe your relationship with stress to protect your health, claim your power and take your life back.

It’s time to Evaluate, celebrate, course correct if needed, reflect on wins and achievements and commit to future growth. 

Each step is critical in mastering stress and reclaiming your health!


When the stress response has been activated, it doesn’t matter what caused it. Initially. Your main priority is to assess or identify your body’s S.O.S. Symptoms, or signs of stress then stabilize, to halt those symptoms as quickly as possible.

This will give you time to diagnose the cause of your stress event or your stress triggers so you can design a treatment plan that will eliminate many of your stress triggers, and decrease the frequency and minimize the intensity of those stress triggers you can’t completely eliminate.

And then you will need do a Check Up to check-in and evaluate your treatment plan, to celebrate your wins and achievements, course correct where needed, reflect on your growth and transformation and commit to further growth.

But how do you do that?

 Your Toolbox 

Here’s where the 3-Pillars of Stress Mastery really come in. They are your toolbox. They provide tools and techniques proven to be powerful and effective at helping you stop the stress response and all its negative effects – quickly.

The sooner you stop the initial response to stress the more effectively you will minimize the damage caused by the cascade of chemicals that flood your body with each stress event.

Settle the Storm

Treating the symptoms of stress brings you quick but temporary relief. It settles the initial storm by halting and reversing your stress response. This is important because the sooner your stress response is reversed and the relaxation response is initiated, the less damage the stress will impose overall.

Tools within the Decompression Pillar are key to halting the stress response. Decompression decreases the intensity of the moment. Like taking the air out of a balloon. It decreases or halts the stress response as quickly as possible. Decompression tools include deep breathing, removing yourself from the immediate situation, stretching…whatever “tool” you need to halt that response, and there are thousands of options.

As you become familiar with the tools and techniques that work best for you, you’ll be able to quickly utilize those tools any time you feel the stress response kick in. It’s like having a nitro pill in your pocket.

But this still doesn’t address the underlying cause of your stress. Each time your stress trigger is tripped, the stress response will be initiated and the symptoms will return.

A little Detective Work

Once you’ve learned to calm the storm, it’s time to look at your life and figure out what’s causing you the greatest amount of stress today, or at this point in your life. This takes a little detective work.

It’s important to follow through and figure out what’s causing the stress so you can take steps to eliminate the cause or the trigger. If you don’t, your symptoms will keep coming back and they often will get stronger. Your body want’s to be heard and it will keep trying to get your attention.

So ask yourself a few questions. What triggered that response? What person, circumstance or event caused you to feel whatever you were feeling? Where were you?

Then identify and acknowledge what is within your control and what is outside your control? What can you do about it?

Now consider your “treatment” options. What Lifestyle Design or Mindset Shift changes can you incorporate to at least decrease the intensity or the frequency of this stress trigger?

Do you need to have a courageous conversation? Set better boundaries? Adjust your mindset? Manage your time differently? Let go of something? Tame an overzealous to-do list? 

 Once you’ve determined what you need to change, and you’ve considered your options and reviewed what you can do, now’s the time to decide what you will do, and then do it.

Digging a Little Deeper

Once you’ve addressed many of your immediate stress issues you’ll discover that overall, your stress events become less frequent and less intense. However, you may find that certain things keep coming up again and again.

For these, you’ll have to look deeper to discover the real problem. It may seem that your relationships are causing a great deal of stress, but when you look deeper you may discover you’re lacking self-esteem, or you have trust issues. Maybe you’re unfulfilled in your job, or you have trouble communicating your needs. One, or even several, of these could be the bigger, underlying cause.

Once you address the real issue, your relationships may improve without any further effort.  

In some situations you may need to seek help from a counselor, therapist, medical professional or clergy. We all need a little extra help sometimes. But if you’ve followed the steps of the Emerge Empowered Blueprint, you will be much stronger and more ready to tackle these bigger issues. 

A New Beginning

Once you’ve worked through the Assessment, Stabilization, Diagnosis, Treatment and Wrap-up stages, and discovered the immediate and even deeper issues that are causing you stress, you’ll begin to feel like a new person. Your happiness will increase. You’ll feel empowered and in charge of your life. You’ll enjoy radiant health and increased energy. You’ll discover your voice and shed insecurities. You’ll have the tools to overcome fear, eliminate self-doubt and authentically and gracefully step into your personal power.

Remember, stress is your friend. She will warn, guide and protect you. Your job is to listen and respond. If you don’t treat the underlying cause of the stress it will keep coming back stronger. Your body is trying to get your attention and it will get louder and stronger until you respond. And the quicker you respond, the better the outcome.

As you work through the Emerge Empowered Blueprint, you will begin to live a life you love, and love the life you live. And you will find your Calm…From Within.


So, check out the Emerge Empowered Blueprint here.

Your Body will thank you!

 P. S. Don’t forget to grab your FREE course:

 Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And discover your health risk related to the stress load you’re currently carrying with the Stress Risk Assessment

So you can Conquer Stress, Reclaim Your Power and Embrace Radiant Health, Starting Today!

If you feel stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed

And you feel like your stress is affecting your health

Then this course is for you!

Is Stress Making You Sick?

Discover Your Health Risk Related to Stress So You Can Conquer Stress, Reclaim Your Power and Embrace Radiant Health, Starting Today!

Get Your Free Course

Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And find out what your stress score is with the Stress Risk Assessment

Stress affects your brain, your body and your behavior. And the higher your stress load, the greater the risk to your health.
It's never too late to take control of your stress and your health so you can begin to heal today as you move Beyond Burnout and Emerge Empowered!

Grab Your FREE course

Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And take the Stress Risk Assessment to find out what

your stress score is!


Are you stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed?

Is your health taking a hit?

Stress can significantly impact your health.

And the higher your stress, the greater your health risk!

Grab this FREE course and assessment to discover what your health risk is related to your stress so you can start healing today!

Congratulations! Your gift is on the way!