If you feel stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed

And you feel like your stress is affecting your health

Then this course is for you!

Is Stress Making You Sick?

Discover Your Health Risk Related to Stress So You Can Conquer Stress, Reclaim Your Power and Embrace Radiant Health, Starting Today!

Get Your Free Course

Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And find out what your score is with the Stress Risk Assessment

Stress affects your brain, your body and your behavior. And the higher your stress load, the greater the risk to your health.

It's never too late to take control of your stress and your health so you can begin to heal today as you move Beyond Burnout and Emerge Empowered!

I’m Glad to Meet You!

In case you were wondering:

I’m a Registered Nurse, and a Lifestyle Design Coach for Stress Mastery and I’ve had a LOT! of personal experience with stress! Just like you, I’ve been stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed. I’ve been incapacitated by stress at times, and one thing I can tell you for sure, stress doesn’t fix itself!

I’ve experienced the helplessness, hopelessness and fear that came from feeling my life was out of my control. I’ve felt the disappointment of realizing that no one and no outside event is going to make my life better. I’ve experienced health problems that were the result of chronic stress. And I know personally how damaging stress can be to every part of life. I’ve struggled. I’ve cried. I’ve pushed and I’ve fought.

I wanted my life and my body to feel better, but I didn’t know how to make it happen. 

And finally, when my life became so overwhelming that I was barely functional, something inside me rallied. I decided that I’d been a victim to the circumstances of my life long enough and I knew that from that moment on, I would ever be the same, or never be the same but the choice was mine! And I was the only one who could “fix” my life. 

My journey with stress has been very intimate… and very painful. But I never gave up. I didn’t give up for me, and I didn’t give up for you. I kept searching and testing and learning. And because of that, I’ve discovered and developed some powerful and effective tools that really work for managing stress! 

And I’ve learned to take complex processes and break them down into simple, do-able and effective practices that I’m passionate about sharing with you! Because they work! I want to help you go deep and get to the cause of your stress, rather than simply putting another band-aid on it.


“My journey with stress has been very intimate… and very painful. But I never gave up!”

“I knew that from that moment on, I would ever be the same, or never be the same but the choice was mine!

As a nurse I’ve seen how stress can affect your brain, your body and your behavior. And if left unchecked stress can lead to devastating catastrophic life events, and even death. The stress you experience today can affect your health for years into the future. So it’s critical that you take control now!

With awareness and some simple tools you can change the outcome and

protect your body, mind and spirit.

You can renew and even heal.

To help you do that I created two Signature Processes for Stress Mastery.

The first Signature Process is the Emerge Empowered Blueprint. A 5-step process that will help you recognize your body’s S.O.S. Signals (Signs of Stress), halt the stress response quickly, determine what’s truly causing your stress and eliminate many of your stress triggers. And it will show you how to minimize the frequency and intensity of those stress triggers you can’t completely eliminate so you can take control of your life and your stress as you Emerge Empowered!

The second Signature Process I created is the 3-Pillars of Stress Mastery. The 3-Pillars of Stress Mastery are a framework consisting of 3 individual pillars or action strategies that help address targeted areas of stress. Each pillar can be used as a stand-alone tool, which means each pillar provides a certain measure of relief all by itself. However, when they’re used together these pillars create a synergistic effect and the results can be extraordinary!

These are tools and techniques that will help you settle the immediate storm that stress causes by halting and reversing the stress response very quickly. These little powerhouse tools are like reset buttons that help you calm the storm and reduce the frequency of stress triggers so you can begin to make changes that will improve how you feel today as you learn new ways to look at and manage your life to minimize the effects of your stress.

These pillars work flawlessly with the Emerge Empowered Blueprint. And together, they are like a magic recipe for stress relief that is immediate, effective and lasting.


“I’m excited to share my tools and techniques with you because they work.”

“I want you to be empowered to take control of your stress now and fix some things, before your health is at risk for devastating consequences.

And I want to help you reframe your relationship with stress so you can fall in love with your new best friend.”  

I’ve made it my mission to teach as many people as possible how to lower stress, and enjoy radiant health with increased energy. I can show you how to find your voice and take ownership of your life. My tools and programs will help you shed insecurities, overcome fear, eliminate self-doubt and authentically and gracefully step into your personal power.

They will also help you heal as you learn to design a lifestyle that works for you to minimize the frequency and intensity of your stress triggers!

I’m excited to share my tools and techniques with you because they work! Through the Stress Risk Assessment, which is included in my FREE course Stress and Your Body: How to Know when Your Health is at Risk, and the bonus Beyond Burnout Roadmap Workshop that you get for free when you download the assessment, you can take the first steps towards healing.

Then with the 3-Pillars of Stress Mastery and the Emerge Empowered Blueprint (as well as many other tools I’ve discovered and created), you’ll learn to recognize your own personal stressors, calm your stress in the moment, implement lifestyle changes that will reduce the frequency and intensity of your personal stress triggers, and discover mindset changes that will enable you to create the life of peace and calm you crave.

If you’re ready to take control of your health and your life and make the changes that will put you back in the driver’s seat, get started now by downloading my FREE course Stress and Your Body: How to Know When Your Health is at Risk, and take the Stress Risk Assessment to discover your health risk related to the stress you’re currently experiencing. They’re FREE and a fabulous way to discover what impact your stress is having on your health now and your risk for further health problems in the future.

I want you to be empowered to take control of your stress now and fix some things, before your health is at risk for devastating consequences.

And I want to help you reframe your relationship with stress so you can fall in love with your new best friend. 

I can help you fill your toolbox with effective, powerful and fun (Yes, fun!) stress management techniques so you can enjoy an amazing life filled with inner peace, authentic happiness, improved health, optimism, balance and a feeling of Calm…From Within.


If you feel stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed

And you feel like your stress is affecting your health

Then this course is for you!

Is Stress Making You Sick?

Discover Your Health Risk Related to Stress So You Can Conquer Stress, Reclaim Your Power and Embrace Radiant Health, Starting Today!

Get Your Free Course

Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And find out what your stress score is with the Stress Risk Assessment

Stress affects your brain, your body and your behavior. And the higher your stress load, the greater the risk to your health.
It's never too late to take control of your stress and your health so you can begin to heal today as you move Beyond Burnout and Emerge Empowered!

Grab Your FREE course

Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And take the Stress Risk Assessment to find out what

your stress score is!


Are you stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed?

Is your health taking a hit?

Stress can significantly impact your health.

And the higher your stress, the greater your health risk!

Grab this FREE course and assessment to discover what your health risk is related to your stress so you can start healing today!

Congratulations! Your gift is on the way!