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Get Your Calm On

Stress! It’s been called the new Silent Killer. And the Epidemic of the 21st Century. But whatever we call it, stress… is stressful. It can overwhelm our lives and cloud our thinking. It damages relationships, shrinks our brain, impairs our memory, ruins our health and makes us feel like we’re out of control. But what if…

Stress is uncomfortable and we want to make it go away so we search for the source of our frustration. We look to our kids, co-workers, boss, spouse, neighbors, parents, the weather, the economy… and we think if he or she or it or they would just… then my stress would go away. 

We look around us and ask, “What am I missing that makes my life feel so out of sync?” When no answer comes, we shift our focus and push harder in a new direction…but still we feel disappointed, discouraged and overwhelmed.

Stress isn’t about what happens to us, it’s about how we respond to what happens to us. 

We long for the day we can relax…when we have time and energy to enjoy life. A time when we have the things we’re sure will make us feel happy and stress free. A time when we feel calm. 

The problem is that we’re looking in the wrong places. We’re looking outside for the answer and it’s not there. The solution won’t come from doing more, being more or having more. And it won’t come from the people, events or circumstances of our lives. Stress isn’t about what happens to us, it’s about how we respond to what happens to us. 

The ability to experience a feeling of peace and calm, no matter what is going on around us, will only come from within us. You are the solution to your stress and overwhelm. And once you accept that the power to change your life lies within you, and no other person holds that key, the transformation can begin. 

But for many of us that realization is slow in coming. We struggle to accept the responsibility for where we are because so many of the things that brought us here didn’t feel within our control. And we misunderstand the difference between responsibility and fault. 

Fault and blame have no place in this process. They’re words that hold us back and confuse the issues. They give us permission to feel guilty or victimized, but neither of those feelings empowers us. And they perpetuate feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, which only increases stress, dissatisfaction, fear and frustration. And that creates feelings of overwhelm because we have no resolution. 

If we are going to resolve these negative emotions, time issues, health problems, relationship difficulties, financial struggles, anger, low self-esteem and a host of other maladies and problems that can be caused by and definitely worsened by stress, we must learn to honor our right to claim responsibility for our lives. 

We have to learn to embrace that power and stop fearing it. And while we learn to claim responsibility for ourselves, we also have to learn to let go of false responsibility for others. That one step can release an enormous amount of stress. But it’s a process.

And to begin the process we need to look at our lives honestly and assess our current situation. We need to determine what we can change and what we can’t. We need to understand where our accountability begins and ends and then step into that power. We have to look at our general attitude and decide whether it’s serving us, and where we can make adjustments. We must learn to appreciate the things that are working and decide what kind of people, circumstances and events we want to attract into our lives and once we figure all of this out we have to learn to apply these new behaviors and beliefs. 

Finding your Calm… From Within is about learning new behaviors that empower you to be your best. It’s learning to look at your life and your role in it in a whole new way and realizing that what you’ve been doing isn’t working. It’s experimenting with new tools and ideas to find the ones that work for you today and learning to adapt them as you grow so they work for you tomorrow too. It’s discovering that moments of calm can happen in the blink of an eye, but living in that calm takes some time and effort. 

It’s also learning that even though the last thing you need on your plate is more to do, the tools you learn will help you create more time, more energy, more focus and greater confidence so you feel less stressed and more in control. And ultimately you will have more peace in your life.

I know what it feels like to be stressed out, burned out and overwhelmed. I’ve experienced the helplessness, hopelessness and fear that came from feeling my life was out of my control. I’ve felt the disappointment of realizing that no one and no outside event is going to make my life better. I’ve experienced health problems that were the result of chronic stress. And I know personally how damaging stress can be. I’ve struggled. I’ve cried. I’ve pushed and I’ve fought. I wanted my life to feel better but I didn’t know how to make it happen. 

And finally, when my life became so overwhelming that I was barely functional, something inside me rallied. I decided that I’d been a victim to the circumstances of my life long enough and I was ready to step into the role of victor. I also began to understand that I was the only one who could “fix” my life. 

I became determined to get my health back. I was ready to step into the driver’s seat of my life. I was committed to becoming the woman I envisioned in my heart. The woman I knew I was, but had somehow lost sight of. And I wanted desperately to set a healthy, positive example for my children.

So I set out on a journey to figure out how to make all of that happen. I read and searched the Internet. I tried hundreds of tools and techniques. I studied the advice of “the experts”. When a tool didn’t work for me, I modified it. When a 20-minute meditation was more anxiety inducing than relaxing, I found a new way. I tweaked and modified until I found what worked.

 But the most important thing I discovered was that the key to ending the pain was right inside me all along. I held the power to change my life. And I had discovered my Calm…From Within

I slowly began to feel better. My health issues started to resolve. I gained confidence. My finances improved and my relationships grew deeper and richer. I began to feel in charge of me, and my life took off in a new and wonderful direction. 

I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned. I don’t want anyone to needlessly suffer the devastating effects of stress and overwhelm. And I don’t want you to have to go through the long and frustrating process of figuring it out on your own. If I can help someone else benefit from my experiences, then somehow it’s all worth it. 

So while you may be stressed out, burned out and overwhelmed today, I want you to know there is hope. 

I’ve broken my process down into easy, yet powerful steps. I’ve created tools, reports, courses and much more. You deserve a life of purpose, meaning and joy. And I want to help you discover it.

 Calm From Within is a stress management system filled with tools and techniques that have been proven to work and they can help you develop a feeling of confidence that no matter what life throws your way, you have the power to manage your response. 

As you learn to tap into your inner strengths, claim your power, and discover and conquer your biggest sources of stress and overwhelm, you will discover a new sense of joy and purpose. You’ll learn to own your power and stop giving it away. You’ll feel more fulfilled and happy. And you will know that you are in control of your life. You’ll make better choices and you’ll learn to rejoice in the outcomes of your efforts. You’ll begin to experience a life that is amazing. And you will discover your Calm…From Within.




If you feel stressed-out, burned-out and overwhelmed

And you feel like your stress is affecting your health

Then this course is for you!

Is Stress Making You Sick?

Discover Your Health Risk Related to Stress So You Can Conquer Stress, Reclaim Your Power and Embrace Radiant Health, Starting Today!

Get Your Free Course

Stress and Your Body

How to Know When Your Health is at Risk

And find out what your stress score is with the Stress Risk Assessment

Stress affects your brain, your body and your behavior. And the higher your stress load, the greater the risk to your health.
It's never too late to take control of your stress and your health so you can begin to heal today as you move Beyond Burnout and Emerge Empowered!